Photo competition to highlight the beauty of Dougalston

June 30, 2020

Photo competition to highlight the beauty of Dougalston

A campaign group protesting against the rezoning of greenbelt land at Dougalston Golf Club by developers has launched a photo competition aimed at highlighting the beauty of the area.

Love Dougalston Action Group on Facebook hopes many local people will take part in the contest with prizes for the best photos, thanks to the generosity of local businesses.

A spokesperson for the action group said: “Our focus is to get as many people switched on to ‘Loving Dougalston!’

The group is against proposals by British Land for a huge development at and surrounding the local golf course, including building more than 100 homes, glamping, retail units and an outdoor adventure project.

They are not the only ones with local people voicing their concern in recent articles in the Herald.

A spokesperson for Love Dougalston said: “The developers have said this area is ‘forgotten’ and unused by local people.

“We would challenge that notion, especially given how vital this green area has been in recent months.

“They say there is a more ‘effective’ use for this land – we suggest they mean profitable.”

They added: “We thought a fun photo competition to mark the start of the holiday would be a really good way to highlight the beauty of this area. “Our group care deeply about safeguarding the greenbelt so everyone can enjoy it – including those out with the area. Hence why the competition is open to all. We will also be launching an interactive treasure hunt later in summer – which will unearth some interesting facts about the nature and natural heritage.”

The contest opened last weekend. There is a choice of photo categories: 1 Dougalston Landscape (Trees, flowers, woodland); 2 Dougalston Wildlife (Wild animals, small and large) and 3 Living Dougalston (People and/or pets interacting with nature).

There are also age categories: Junior Photographer (under 12), Youth Photographer (12-18) and Adult Photographer (18+).

Judges will be Elba Gallery and local photographer Andy McKay.

Prizes include a gift voucher from Elba Gallery. (All winners); A mounted print of your winning photo from Andy McKay. (All winners)

A Waitrose store voucher. (All winners), A 2-course meal for two from private chef. @Fee_de_chef (Adult category winner only) and a Colpiā€™s Ice-cream voucher for two. (Junior and Youth category winners only)

Submit your favourite photo to before July 27.

Article Link: Milngavie & Bearsden Herald

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