Ground-breaking report by Woodland Trust reveals the true state of UK woods and trees

April 25, 2021

Ground-breaking report by Woodland Trust reveals the true state of UK woods and trees

Our vision for a UK rich in native woods and trees has never been clearer. The benefits trees bring are in growing demand as the urgency of the climate and nature crisis increases. Yet at the same time threats faced by UK woodland are escalating.

We want you to be among the first to know about something truly ground-breaking The Woodland Trust has been working on and can now unveil. The monumental report examines in minute and fascinating detail the state of woods and trees in the UK today, the daily threats they face and what we need to do to ensure their survival.

The information-packed, 250 page State of the UK’s Woods and Trees report has just been published and we’d like you to know more about it. Sadly, many of its headline findings make for stark and alarming reading.

  • Although woodland cover is slowly increasing, woodland wildlife is decreasing.
  • Only 7% of the UK’s native woods are in a healthy state.
  • Since 1970, woodland bird numbers have dropped by 29%

The State of the UK’s Woods and Trees gives us crucial evidence of the extent, condition and wildlife value of trees and woodland in 2021. This painstakingly researched document will allow us to frame stronger asks of governments, take more informed decisions about what we do and focus our activities where they will make the most impact.

There is hope on the horizon too. The reports findings prove just how important our work is: many of the steps that need to be taken are already our key priorities.

The challenges UK woods and trees face are not insurmountable. But overcoming them will take urgent action from governments, continuing work from charities like us and ongoing support from people like you.

As a valued Woodland Trust volunteer, you know how vital trees are. They play an important part in our everyday lives and which the pandemic has thrown into even sharper focus. Trees bring nature and beauty to our gardens, line our streets, enhance our parks and create havens for wildlife and people in our nearby woods.

Now we are asking for your help in making our Governments listen to the urgent findings of our report. Please visit to find out more about the report and the simple ways you can take action to help.

Article link: Woodland Trust

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